I believe in the power of data to help uncover the hidden truths all around us. In an increasingly complex world, data is grounding. It can help us see objective reality and face challenges with a more open perspective than we might otherwise be willing to accept. 
But data can also be confusing and misleading, and it can take us down the wrong path if we don't have the right tools and knowledge to understand it.
My mission is to help small and medium-sized businesses, non-profits, and start-ups embrace their data at every level of the organization and avoid pitfalls along the way. I believe that with the right guidance, training, and knowledge, any organization can transform its culture to be successfully data-driven.
I also have a passion for helping women achieve their career aspirations in technical fields. Today, women remain underrepresented in the analytics industry, and that needs to change. During my seven years at Google, I was fortunate to find strong mentors and colleagues in the field who taught me and inspired me. For many young women early in their careers or deciding their career paths in college, however, that is not the case. Through mentoring and coaching, I hope to equip other women with the confidence and knowledge they need to be successful in the analytics field.
Before beginning my work as a consultant, I built my career at Google, where I had the opportunity to share my expertise with a diverse set of clients -- from presidential campaigns, to non-profits, Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, start-ups, and more -- giving me a wide breadth of understanding about the unique data challenges each type of organization encounters. Over the past several years, I've been invited to speak about analytics for dozens of organizations, including Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Business Management; 1871, Chicago's premier entrepreneurship hub; and Venture for America, an entrepreneurship fellowship program whose mission is one I support wholeheartedly. I am a proud alumna of the University of Michigan and am currently pursing my Masters of Science in Predictive Analytics at Northwestern University.  

Portrait by Rebecca Peplinski